welcome at http://arnisadelima.blogspot.com I was born on 28 September 1997. I come from the city pelembang (SUMSEL) . follow my twitter @ Arnisa DLM. facebook Arnissa delima. invite pin me: 21DA2449 . listen my heello @arnisa . my schools at smp PUSRI . Thankyou♥

Minggu, 18 Desember 2011


      Because I love him
                     Because I loved him
Because I was willing to
         Not always together

              My fragile without him

     Such as lost hope

      If I do have experience of grief

                              Take heart is accepted

Senin, 12 Desember 2011

waiting for the new year 2012(˘⌣˘)ε˘`)

waiting the arrival of the new year 2012! (ʃƪ ˘ ˘ ه)

 # wish: I want in this new year I can be more than its previous year. 
             because I believe in this new year I would be more than the
             previous one!

 I believe it!

Kamis, 08 Desember 2011

                                O god!
         I hope you heard all the words of your servant  
                     heart and my request for this I beg you to grant him.

Senin, 28 November 2011

god listen to me!

dear god I hope you hear this and can grant it!
               I would like for the next day I could be someone who excel, I want to graduate school, I want to graduate junior high with a value of more than "SKULLS" I want to get into high school and create a favorite for its future I could be a successful person. but only one is more important I begged that I would like parents rewarded me. and please do not make me forget with you ya allah. thanks for everything.

Rabu, 23 November 2011


Mengikuti jejak si Poconggg yang tenar gara-gara bukunya dan jadi trending topic di Twitter,
si Kunti juga pengen tenaaaaar dengan buat buku terbarunya yang pastinya bisa membuat perut yang membacanya kesakitan karena saking lucunya.
Penasaran kisahnya seperti apa?? Buruan beli bukunya sebelum kehabisan!! tentunya di Toko Buku Gramedia Istana PLaza

Sepocong Kisah Kunti
Media Pressindo
Bukan Cuma Lo, Cong! Gue juga pengen tenar…tenaaar…Tenaarrr Gue Juga Pengen Tennaarrr
Cinta dulu kini dan nanti, Tetap s
aja jadi misteri …

                                    Mas Anang pun bernyanyi
"Benar ku mencintaimu..tapi tak begini…"
Krisdayanti, lalu Syahrini, kemudian Ashanti…..
Kenapa gak pilih gue, Kunti ?
kan.. sama-sama berakhiran "I"
Semua yang gue tulis di sini sebenarnya cuma mau bikin pengakuan dosa saja..istilah kerennya share.
Ini cuman sekedar luapan dari sampah hati gue sekian lama menjomblo. Saat gue pacaran, bolak-balik putus nyambung n putus lagi…JOMBLO itu pedih Jendral!!!

Media Pressindo
Status FB
Persahabatan adalah seperti kencing di celana Anda. Setiap orang dapat melihatnya, tetapi hanya Anda yang bisa merasakan kehangatannya.
Pacaran tuh bikin gemuk, tiap hari yang ditanyain "Udah makan belom?"
Nak ini twitter mama, cepat di follow, jgn di mention, mama lagi kantor polisi. Jgn krm PULSA! Mama dah Tobat.
#baru menikah-MY LOVE
#1 thn menikah-MY WIFE
#5 thn menikah-HOME
#10thn menikah-MABES POLRI
#20thn menikah-WRONG NUMBER
Hare gene bingung nulis facebook, timeline twitter, cerita bbm? Kalah gahooll lo ama pocong!!! Makanya, baca buku ini! Tinggal copas doing, beres dah, ada macem-macem status gokil Fb, timeline alay twitter, cerita lucu BBM, sms gahool, dan buat lo yang sok bijak ada juga tuh quotes2 ajibb ala Pocong. Spesial pake telor lah pokoknya.

sepocong kisah kunti sama sepocong kisah online punya aku *eyaaa♥